Great group at University of Hawaii West Oahu for Behavioral Analysis Detection of Nonverbal Deception Course.
TRMG CEO Roger Strecker, Sr. served as Guest Speaker at Honolulu Chapter of Association of Legal Administrators (ALA) on September 16, 2015 on Behavioral Analysis Detection of Nonverbal Behavior..
Dr. Allison Jerome, Dr. Christine Denton and TRMG CEO Roger Strecker at Chaminade University of Honolulu after completion of Risk and Threat Assessment for Active Shooter.
TRMG CEO Roger Strecker at Association of Legal Administrators in Honolulu, Hawaii.
University of Hawaii West Oahu great group! Attendees included; Hawaii Department of Education Security Managers, UHWO Psychologist, UHWO Human Resources, UHWO Emergency Management Coordinator, UH Manoa General Counsel, and members of the UH Behavioral Intervention Team.
Behavioral Analysis Detection of Nonverbal Deception Course JAX, FL 2017.
Ternion Risk Mitigation Group, LLC has successfully completed All Hazards Risk and Threat Assessments for the University of Hawaii Maui College and Kapiolani Community College.
The Ternion Risk Mitigation Group, LLC Training Division has recently completed specialized training in Behavioral Analysis Interviewing, Advanced Behavioral Analysis Interviewing, and Workplace & Societal Violence Insight into an Active Shooter at the following venues;
University of Hawaii Kauai Community College
University of Hawaii Maui Community College
University of Hawaii West Oahu College
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Fraternal Order of Police (St. Augustine, Florida)
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area - Executive Office of the President (HIDTA)
Honolulu Police Department
Ternion Risk Mitigation Group has successfully completed Risk and Threat Assessments for Active Shooter at the University of Hawaii West Oahu and Chaminade University of Honolulu.
Managing Partner Roger Strecker, Sr. will be publishing articles on Behavioral Analysis Detection of Nonverbal Deception in upcoming issues of Skill Set Magazine.